Regenerative and sustainable farming methods
Permaculture at Nadi Nature Resort
Naturally grown,
seasonal produce
Nadi Nature Resort and Nadi Farm Cafe are both set within a permaculture farm. Permaculture is the practice of regenerative farming with respect for landscapes and communities by optimising available resources, originating in Australia during the 1970s. Permaculture is an open source farming system which encourages observation and interpretation at all levels, something which resonated deeply with the founders of Nadi Bali.

Permaculture at Nadi Bali
At Nadi Bali we have created a looping system between Nadi Nature Resort, Nadi Farm Cafe, and our permaculture farm, meaning that Nadi Bali serves farm-to-fork cuisine in the true sense of the term, not just ‘farm style’ food. Organic waste matter from the resort, cafe, and farm itself is returned to the land to become compost, a nutrient-rich soil substance used to fertilize plants which are later harvested from Nadi’s gardens for the fresh meals served to our guests.

Everyday: 8:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Our food forest has between 3-5 tiers to mimic a forest where everything grows optimally in harmony. Fruit trees shade soft wood vegetables and medicinal plants from harsh sunlight, while ground cover crops retain moisture in the soil and provide a home to the worms, insects, and microorganisms which aerate the soil to strengthen the roots of our crops. All the harvest is used in our cafe kitchen, barely 5 minutes’ walk from where it was before grown.
Guided tours of our permaculture farm and food forest are available from March 1st, please contact us for more information.
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